Man's Private Parts Gone missing for 3 days After he was given a Cigarette to smoke.

Elias Peter
A Resident of Mwananyamala Msisiri Dar Es Salaam going by the name of  Elias Peter, had found himself in an awkward situation a couple days ago after the disappearance of His Manhood Parts soon after he had been given a cigarette by a fellow man known as Salehe.

After smoking some few rounds he felt so cold, suddenly with no sex organs. He kept the situation to him self hopping that his thing would return, with no luck Elias decided to tell Salehe and he directed him to a highly respected local man, Mr Kishengwae Mfinanga who told Elias that he was witch crafted and the sex organs shall return though with limited powers.

After 3 days he went back to see Mfinanga who told him to continue to wait and there the Organ Returned but it has no powers at all.

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